Seizing The White Space

by Mark W. Johnson

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Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal

Read The Cover

Strategy expert Mark W. Johnson argues that breakthrough business models result from forays into the "white space": uncharted territory well beyond a company's core business. But the reason so few companies successfully seize their white space is not because it is uncharted. It's because the try to navigate it using their existing business model--without a clear understanding of how that model works.

In Seizing The White Space, Johnson introduces a practical framework that outlines the four components of every successful business model--a compelling customer value proposition (CVP), a winning profit formula, and key resources and processes--and shows how they interrelate to create value for both the customer and the company. Drawing on field-tested research, Johnson then explores three promising white space arenas: transforming existing markets, creating new market, and confronting industry-wide upheaval.

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