Understanding Cash Flow

By Franklin J. Plewa, Jr. & George T. Friedlob

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Understanding Cash Flow (Finance Fundamentals for Nonfinancial Managers)

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If the term "cash flow" has always remained uncomfortably vague in your mind, Understanding Cash Flow will give you, quickly and simply, a firm grasp of this crucial index of a company's health and direction. It covers, in detail, the process, the terminology, and the internal and external players in the flow of cash through a company. You'll learn:
* The fundamentals of cash management and how it affects the quality of a company's earnings
* How to read cash flow statements
* How cash balances are analyzed and monitored--including internal controls over cash receipts and disbursements, plus bank account reconciliation and activity analysis
* How to avoid the pitfalls of granting credit--evaluating customer credit, sources of credit information, and overall credit policy
* How to prevent fraud and waste
* And much more!

Understanding Cash Flow is a part of the new Wiley series, Finance Fundamentals for Nonfinancial Managers--designed to serve managers, owners, investors, students and others by explaining clearly and concisely what they need to know about important areas of cash flow management. Other titles in the series will cover income statements, return on investment, budgeting, and balance sheets.

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